Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan pada UD. New Sehati
Abstract: UD New Sehati is
enterprise small middle which active in production and sell may kinds of chips.
Payroll system in UD New Sehati calculated based on amount of work day.Overtime
calculated based on letter instruction overtime which determined by owner andcalculated
by hour. Besides that, The employee get bonuses based on the active work
employee which assessed from amount of product which has been produced, amount
of work day, amounttime of delayed and amount of overtime which shown be in the
shape of the best value until theworst to make easy the owner give amount of
bonuses. Time works for male employee consist or two shifts are morning shift
and day shift and nothing overtime. The time work begin at 07.00- 16.00 WIB and
for day work at 16.00-21.00 WIB. Change shift do every week. Time work forfemale
employee at 07.00-16.00 WIB and nothing shift. Employee presence write by
coordinator employee so that at risk in mistaken in recording. Begin Friday the
owner must be count all salary for employee which will be give the employee in
Saturday. From some problem happened so thatgive the solution in the shape of
information system payroll employments which can help instorage data employee,
make shift schedule, information overtime, letter instruction overtime, storage
presence, storage overtime, give bomuses and calculated payroll employee which
producereport payroll and report outcome finance for owner and slip salary to
Keywords: Payroll, Work Shift,
Presence Employee, Overtime Money, Bonuses
Penulis: Noviani Aisyah
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160712