Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi (Studi Kasus: Laboratorium Parahita Diagnostic Center Surabaya)
Abstract: Parahita Diagnostic
Center (PDC) provides the aim of improving the quality of service becomes
faster, more convenient, and accurate on the basis of human resources (HR) is
competent. Sumber Daya Insani (SDI) & Umum is part assigned to training for
all employees PDC. Based on identification and analysis of problems, SDI &
Umum has a problem in the process of determining the training needs for
assessment competence test has not shown effective results. Impact, time to analyze
customer samples will be long and causing delays lab results. This resulted in
the PDC service quality to decrease. To overcome these problems, then made
application solutions competency-based training needs analysis. This
application can analyze the value of the results of competency tests to
generate the amount of tolerance gap on the type and level of competence.
Analysis of the gap tolerance can be seen priority training needs for each
employee. Based on the results of the implementation and evaluation of systems,
applications have suitability between the results of calculations using the
application with using manual calculations. The application obtained the
information gap that training needs are categorized by level knowledge, skill,
and attitude.
Penulis: Pradita Maulidya
Effendi, Antok Supriyanto, Yoppy Mirza Maulana
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160571