Analysis Strategy Visibility And Activity At The Website Of In Terms Of Increasing Ranking Webometrics
Abstract: Stikom Surabaya has
a main website who became participants of webometrics. Webometrics is
one of increased us based website on the internet which is used as a reference
against the institution, then the visibility and activity. Cybermetrics lab
publishes a ranking of universities every 6 months once in January and July. Stikom
Surabaya following webometrics from 2012 and ranked 73 which was release in
January 2016, after analyzed Stikom Surabaya decline rank on the website, then the required visibility strategy analysis and activity on the
website in the webometrics ranking improvement efforts. The analysis
is done using Web Impact Factor to measure the average number of links. The
analysis is done generating strategies to increase ranking webometrics. The
resulting strategy there are 4 categories were needed, namely, policy,
technical, content or content and supporting or supporters. The resulting
strategy is 12 new strategies to increase visibility/impact and 17 strategies
to increase activity. The strategy can be done by planning time during 6 months
from the last issued webometrics ranking and systematically.
Penulis: Metta Ameilia
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160602