Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Bank Mini pada SMK Negeri 1 Sumenep
Abstract: Bank Mini is an
accounting lab that used as a student financial payments and saving for students
and employees of SMK Negeri 1 Sumenep. Bank Mini managing public savings,
special savings, and general payment. Problems exist in Bank Mini is the
process of recording transactions and financial reporting using a manual
process using the books and records of other transactions, which potentially
cause recording and accounting calculations errors. The school wants a Bank
Mini information systems, but the schools didn’t know and can’t determine the
appropriate system needs to be applied to the Bank Mini. The solution offered
is to make the analysis and design of Bank Mini information systems that can
generate the analysis and design of recording transaction processes, preparing
reports accounting, and reporting of transactions. The process of analysis and
design of this research includes the step of collecting data through interview
and observation, analysis, systemdesign, and evaluation of system design. The
results showed that the analysis and system design can explain design of the
transaction recording process, the reporting accounting process, and reporting processes
used computing based processing, so it can be used as guidelines for
implementation of Bank Mini information systems in the future.
Penulis: Arfilia Septianasari
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160605