Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter dengan Model Problem Based Instruction

Abstract: The unavailable of physics material learning based by the character education which conform with student’s characteristic caused the student’s competency and student’s activity in study process was low. This research aim to develop physics material learning (syllabus, lesson plan, module, worksheet, and assessment) based by the character education with validity, practical, and effective problem based instruction model for the temperature and kalor subject. This research was the development research by using 4D models. The phases are define, design, and develop. The researcher did the analysis of curriculum, analysis of concepts, and analysis of students at define phase. On design phase, the researcher designed the physics material learning. Develop phase consist of validation phase, practicality, and effectivity. After designed, the physics material learning was validated by 5 validators. At practicality phase, physics material learning tested by the students of XB MAN 1 Sungai Penuh on even semester 2012/2013. At this activity, student and teacher will be ask for their comments about the practicality of physics material learning. Effectivity of physics material learning investigated at the same time with practicality phase. At this activity, student and teacher will be ask for their comments about the effectivity of physics material learning. Effectivity also seen from the improving of student’s competency and student’s activity in study process. The result showed that physics material learning based character education with model of problem based instruction  are very valid, very practical and very effective.
Kata Kunci: model problem based instruction, pendidikan karakter, perangkat pembelajaran fisika
Penulis: Rahma Diani
Kode Jurnal: jpfisikadd151027

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