aAbstract: Prediction of
electrical energy crisis in Indonesia clearly will cause losses for electricity
consumers. The impact caused the activities disturb include production systems,
loss of business opportunities, and loss of property intellectuals (for
example, data lost), especially for the scientists and academics. Customers
require backup supply of electricity when PLN have some trouble. However,
switching supplies electricity to Genset, if done in a conventional addition
that requires the existence of the operator, but also through a complex
procedure and takes a long time. Therefore need to use an automation tool that
supplies electricity more practical and economical, and can be used as a medium
of education, and will solve the problem of scarcity of human resources
automation field, such as the electricity supply at this time. Expected
performance of these tools is able to activate the genset manually or
automatically in case of interruption of supply electricity, the Power Loss,
Under Voltage, Lower Voltage, frequency interference. All activities since the
design to the test conducted in the Laboratory of Electrical Installation and
Laboratory Data Communications, Department of Educational Electrical
Engineering FT UNY. The method of this experiment is a Research and
Development, and experimental data taken according to the research instrument.
The data obtained and analyzed using descriptive. The result that activity is the Unit of AMF Power System
based on microcontroller that is ready as a medium of education, both in the
Department of Educational Electrical Engineering FT UNY and Technical High
School. However, this tool only can detect the interference of Under Voltage
and Upper Voltage, while the interference of frequency and the condition of
fuel can not be carried out due to various technical constraints.
Penulis: Zamtinah FT, Djoko
Laras BT, Herlambang SP, Didik Hariyanto
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090135