ABSTRACT: Formal education is
the education which is developed at certain school or place systematically
which has certain time sequence from Elementary to University level. Whereas
the aspect of education life is one of the aspects in society that always
develop and change to be more advance as the increasing of politic
consciousness in society.This article concerns with the role of formal
education to the aspects of politic life where the education is implemented
based on the existing politic system by virtue of Pancasila (the five basic
principles of the Republic of Indonesia) and UUD 1945, it means that politic
determines the education policy. On the contrary, the existing politic system
is determined by the education title owned by society where the higher education
level of society will impact the consciousness to help forward the aspect of
politic life in society. It is because formal education is one of media to
socialize politic and great strategy to transfer the wide knowledge to the
elite politic by giving training and also other facilities to build politic
consciousness. It is the right moment to commit integration especially in terms
of national politic consciousness.
Penulis: Yahya
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090159