ABSTRACT: Education is the
interaction between humans and the environment including the natural
environment and environmental human being. The interaction is not simply the
result of human interaction with nature and with fellow human beings, but
rather the result of human potential in an optimal developmet accordance with
an open space for the development of innovation and creativity. Islamic
education is expected to be further developed so that the Islamic educational
institutions have appeal, because it is more outgoing and global dimension.
Developmenting quality of human resources require different prerequisites in
its implementation, including human life environment should provide
opportunities for the development of learners to develop in accordance with the
potential available to it. Islamic education in spiritual growth and moral
individuals will be able to help strengthen the faith, belief, and recognition
of God Almighty, through the legal, moral and religious teachings, thereby
guiding learners in implementing faith in God Almighty and a deep understanding
of religious teachings and value in life in her behavior, and relationship with
Allah SWT with fellow human beings and all creatures, will reinforce the
importance of moral education and spirituality in facing globalization.
Penulis: Nurdin
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd110357