Abstract: The Improvement of
ECE Educators’ Performance in Developing the Kinesthetic Quotient. This study
aims to improve the performance of Early Childhood Education (ECE) educators at
the TAPAS Al-Ikhlas BPPNFI Regional IV Surabaya so that they are capable of
developing children’s kinesthetic qoutient through the concepts of ECE and
kinestetic teachinglearning. This study was a classroom action research study.
The data were collected through interviews, observations, and documents and
were analyzed by means of data reduction, data display, data verification, and
conclusion drawing. The findings showed that: (1) before the action was
implemented, the kinesthetic teaching-learning model was teacher-centered, the
educators did not understand kinesthetic learning concept and learning
psychology, the classroom management was not well implemented, and the teaching
style was monotonous, (2) after the action was implemented, the educators’
teaching skills improved, they employed a variety of teching styles, they understood
ECE concepts better, and they were willing to accept changes and committed to
making changes.
Penulis: Andun Sudijandoko
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd110395