Abstract: This study aimed to
find out the gene inheritance pattern of the gembel hair in a family in
Solomerto Village, Solomerto District, Wonosobo Regency, to design a local
phenomenon based module for genetics learning, and to investigate the readability
of the learning module. This study was based on the data of the family tree map
of a family with the gembel hair inheritance that could be traced to three generations
so that this fulfilled the requirements to trace the gene inheritance. The data
on the gembel hair inheritance were collected through observations and interviews.
The data were then analyzed to find out the characteristic inheritance by
making a map of the family tree and determining the genotype possibility of each
family member. To investigate the readability of the module, 20 students ofSMA
Negeri 8 Yogyakarta were selected as the sample. The data were analyzed using
the qualitative descriptive technique. The results of the study on the basis of
the family tree map showed that the gembel hair gene inheritance was determined
by the recessive autosomal gene. The students gave positive responses to the
local phenomenon based learning module in terms of the material coverage, the
material explanation, the number of test items, the item difficulty level, the
instruction, andthe key answers.
Penulis: Suratsih, Victoria
Henuhili, Tutiek Rahayu, dan Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090174