PENGASUHAN REMAJA PELAKU KRIMINALITAS (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Orangtua Dengan Remaja Pelaku Kriminalitas Di Lapas X Sleman)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenon of teenager parenting who committed crime in prisons II B Sleman. Informants in this study were two parents (father and mother) who had a teenage son who committed crime in prisons X Sleman. This study used a qualitative approach. And the form of study which performed was phenomenology, the method of research with the knowledge appears in informants consciousness. The technique used was the interview as the main data collection, observation and documentation as supporting data. Based on the results, it can be stated that parenting had an enormous influence on criminality’s increasing, such as drinking, drugs, fights, brawls that even lead to death. Parenting was intended as (1) Letting children grew up with pleasure without feeling how hard their parent’s struggle, as never involved them in housework and obey all their wishes, (2) Tend to allow or dismiss their children deviant behavior at an early stage, (3) Failured to conduct supervision and control so do not know the behavior or actions of children outside, (4) Did not have a strong attitude towards children, (5) Failed to be a good listener, so that the child was less open to their parents and tend to save their own problems, (6)Less of awarenesstowards their responsibilities as parents and tend to blame others for their child deviant behavior, (7) Parents did not provide exemplary, (8) Less able to assist children during the transition period. Of the points above, it could be concluded that parents did not understand the stages of child development and appropriate care in each stage.
Keywords: parenting, teenagers, crime
Penulis: Septiana Fauzia, Raden Rahmi Diana
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150080

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