Abstract: The general objective of this study is to
create a model of treatment for children
with learning difficulties (CLD) by accommodation-based learning with
elements: (1) material and techniques of instruction; (2) assignment and
evaluation; (3) time demand and schedules; and (4) evironment of learning. The
specific objective of this study is to create an accommodation-based treatment
manual for CLD to: (1) provide educational services and instruction for CLD;
(2) improve teachers’ knowledge and awareness of the importance of learning
accomodation for CLD; and (3) increase
the learning avchievement of CLD. This
study is research and development. Data collection is conducted through the
Delphi technique, focus group discussion (FGD), questionnaire, observation,
interview, and documentation. Data analysis is descriptive. The findings show
that: (1) In the first years: (a) CLD treatment has not been adequately
performed; it means that the exact solution has not been found out in learning
accommodation for CLD; (b) teachers’ perception and expectation on learning
problems of CLD have not been quite positive; (c) the prototype of CLD treatment
based on learning accommodation has been limitedly to test-driven and can be
developed as a model of treatment for CLD in the elementary school. Its
implementation is based on a manual of learning accommodation application for
CLD. (2) In the second years, the model and product have been validated through
the main field testing and operational field testing; and stated as a fit and
effective model of CLD treatment in the
elementary school. The effectiveness of the accommodation learning treatment is
evident from indicators that the elementery school teachers have applied the
model and product found in the manual books for CLD instructional
flexibilities. In addition, the application of the model has improved the (a)
learning motivation; (b) social interaction; and (c) academic achievement of
Penulis: Sari Rudiyati
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100254