Abstract: Research is
conducted with the aim of training the effect of positive thinking to reduce
anxiety premenopausal women. The hypothesis put forward positive thinking
training can reduce anxiety premenopausal women. The subject in this research
consists of 20 women who had experienced menopause symptoms last at least 1
year divided into experimental group and control group. Positive thinking
training procedure is performed in 7 sessions. Measurement of performed using the
anxiety level anxiety scale premenopausal women. Measurement of anxiety levels
performed before the implementation of positive thinking training procedures,
training procedures after the implementation of positive thinking, and two
weeks after the implementation of the training procedure of positive thinking.
The hypothesis was tested by t-test analysis of test. Result showed reduced
anxiety level in premenopausal women after doing the training procedure of
positive thinking and remain effective in a period of two weeks thereafter.
Thus this procedure can be used as one of the intervention in reducing anxiety
premenopausal women.
Penulis: Purwanti Endah Rahayu
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd160044