Abstract: This study aimed to
reveal (1) the difference in students’ motivation to learn music, and (2) the
difference in the ability to play music between the students taught with
creativity elements in learning music and those taught without them.
This study employed a pretest-posttest control group design. The data
were analyzed by the descriptive technique and t-test. The research subjects
were Year V students of SD Negeri Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman. The research results showed the following. (1) In
the experimental group, students’ motivation to learn music was higher than
that in the control group (tobserved = 4.330; p < 0.05). It was concluded
that there was a difference in students’ motivation to learn music between
those taught with creativity elements in learning music and those taught with
the conventional method. (2) In the experimental group, the ability to play
music was better than that in the control group. It was concluded that there
was a difference in students’ ability to play music between those taught with
creativity elements in learning music and those taught with the conventional
Penulis: Herwin Yogo Wicaksono
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090137