Abstract:  Counseling  for  the  Academically  Gifted  Children.  The  number  of academically gifted children is quite high distributed in all areas. The academically gifted  children  will  be  benefecial  for  themselves  and  other  people,  if  they  can develop optimally. There are many academically gifted children who are succesful in their life; however we can find some who are in difficulty. They need counseling services.    There  are  some  important  issues  in  counseling,  especially  for  the academically  gifted  children,  such  as:  (1)  divergent  thinker,  (2)  excitability,  (3) sensitivity,  (4)  perceptiveness,  (5)  entelechy.  (6)  self-concept,  (7)  counseling with parents,  and  (8)  underachievement.  To  help  them  face  important  issues,  social-personal  counseling,  academic  counseling,  and  career  counseling  are  necessary. These  three  counseling  approaches  can be  conducted  simultaneously,  depending on their needs. The models and strategies of counseling for the academically gifted children  are  therapeutic,  preventive,  and  developmental  models.  The  choice  of models  is  strongely  determined  by  the  need  of  effective  counseling,  in  order  to achieve the optimal result. To establish the effective counseling, it is necessary that counseling services should be conducted by professional counselors.
 Keywords: counseling, academically gifted children
Penulis: Rochmat Wahab
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100207

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