ABSTRACT: Field of Education
can be said as a field to the change of character, attitude based on moral
values such as independence, justice, and humanity and it is not based on any
negative emotion such as greed, jealousy, and hate. Leadership is one of the
important factors to determine the implementation of education properly. In
order to have those moral values in educational institution, concept of
transformational leadership is necessary to implement. This concept emphasizes
on the importance of a leader to have vision and environment which motivates
his/her staff to get achievement beyond the expectation. If it is done
properly, educational institution will at least achieve the success referring
to the quality indicators; 1) Secured and regulated environment of educational
institution 2) The institution has strong leadership mission, 3) There is a
strong expectation to get achievement from all the stake holders, 4) There is
ongoing human resources development, 5) There is an intensive communication and
support from the society.
Penulis: Ahmad Bukhari
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd120505