Abstract: The Integration of the Nation’s Character Values into Intructional Activities. One of the crucial problems in the national education system is the nmoral problem. There is evidence that indicates a moral crisis among students. This shows that educational institutions fail to prepare graduates with good morality. To solve this problem, the nation’s character values need to be integrated in the implementation of the formal curriculum. By doing so, teachers can help studentsto actualize each learning domain through the competency formulation and thestudents can simultaneously carry out relevant moral actions. Integrating thenation’s character values into the curriculum can be done in three stages: introduction, implementation, and evaluation. Each stage can improve students’ good characters based on the formulation of the competency standard. Such an integration has implications for schools, teachers, parents, and students.
Keywords: integration, nation’s character values, instructional activities
Penulis: Anik Ghufron
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100218

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