Abstract: Vocational education
is oriented to the formation of professional competency. Such competency has to
be supported by nn1~':l't1"0 abilities, the acquisition these abilities ne'ed
comprehensive learning experiences. Project-a making learning experiences more
interesting and meaningful to university students, or, those undergoing
transitional training when entering a field ofwork~ The project-based learning
model helps learners (1) to learn hefty and meaningful use of knowledge and
skill built through assignments and works, (2) to increase knowledge through
curricular activities and the execution ofopen-ended planning or investigation,and
(3) to build knowledge through real-world experiences andinter-personal
cognitive negotiations conducted in an atmosphere of collaborative work. Project-based
learning enables learners to learn more actively. The instructor, or, anyone in
charge of the instructional process, stands encouragingly behind learners, who
makes the initiatives. The instructor facilitates learners' projects and
evaluates each project in terms of its meaningfulness in and application on their
daily life. Outcomes during the project represent results that can be measured
authentically by the instructor in the learning process. So, in project-based
learning, though not giving training activeiy and directly, the instructor
still has a role, as learning helper, facilitator, and partner who understands
students' think.
Penulis: Herminarto Sofyan
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd060033