Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the relationship of independence  with coping strategies on student SMK 05 Samarinda. The method used is quantitative. Subjects in the study a number of 80 students. Methods of data collection using two scales, namely scale cheating coping strategies, and independence with the Likert scale model. Data were analyzed with correlation product momen and models gradually filled with the help of the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 for Windows.
Results of this study indicate that there are positive and highly significant correlation between independence with coping strategies students SMK 05 Samarinda with r = 0.858 and p = 0.000. Then the partial correlation results obtained results are highly significant relationship only between the emotional aspect to an independent variable with a value r = 1,000 and p = 0,000. Then in aspek of behavior shows the value r = 0,523 dan p = 0,000 < 0,05 which means that there is a relationship which was not significant between the behavioral aspects to an independent variable. Then the aspect of value shows the value r = 0,267 dan p = 0,035 < 0,05 meaning that there is a significant correlation between the low and the value of the variable aspect of independence.
Keywords: coping strategies, independence
Penulis: Dinda Agustin Kusuma Dewi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd160023

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