Abstract: While education has broad and complex dimensions with eachhaving its own problems, the problem-solving should becomprehensive. A disorder in the Indonesian educational world has been caused by, among others, a disharmony among the roles of the agents of education (i.e., the family, society, and school). Eachperforms with no coordination with any other of the agents. The result is that the education has not produced human individuals who are intellectually, socially, and religiously mature. Rather,oppositely, it has become counterproductive. A segregation of theroles has to be mapped clearly to avoid role overlaps which can make some important roles left unperformed. The school, as a formal educational institution, is ideally the instrument enabling the maturation of students' intellectuality, their moral attitudes and behaviors, and their contextual skills so that what they obtain from school could be implemented in the society where they live. Society, as the environment where students associate with others, is ideally to give them enough room of trust in the course of motivating them for self-actualization, to restrain from demanding too much of them, to take part in monitoring andevaluating them, and to give material and non-material support. Thefamily is a very central place for students' education, where certain other family members become role models and influence theirpsychological growth. The family condition becomes a determiningfactor of the success in their education at school and in society
Penulis: Bambang Syaeful Hadi
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd070005

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