Abstract: As an aesthetic
creature, human life can not be separated from the valuable aspects of the
beauty where beauty was synonymous with art. As artists, people tried to create
and express the other art findings through surrounding media. One of the art
was the art of communicating that can be made directly or indirectly through
mediaassisted. The media include advertising was an art form in communicated.
Not separated from what was offered, the advertising had a variety of messages
delivered in which the various imaging related to various aspects of women.
Then no doubt if the exploitation of women often occurs only for the success of
communication in offering a product. Studies on subliminal sexuality and the
practice of exploitation in advertising were examined using the case study
method to find out the definition and causes of women exploitation in the
advertising. Where it turn out the body and the image of women still be a
lucrative marketing strategy in the art of advertising. The existence of a
competition required advertisers to explore more creative ideas to attract the
attention of the target market. Various methods were used by advertisers to
pursue profit without seeing the impact it had on the community.
Penulis: Hendra Bachtiar,
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150077