TAHU SERASI DALAM PRESPEKTIF MODAL SOSIAL (Studi Sosiologis Peran Modal Sosial Pada Usaha Tahu Serasi di Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang)
Abstract: Amid the onslaught
of foreign cultures, especially ready meals “fast food” causing further
marginalization of the local culture. Building a community attitude to
retaining local knowledge possessed, especially traditional food knows matching
requires a very strong foundation on which the social capital.
With the key issues above, this study aims to answer the main problem,
that is explained about the role of social capital in the business Tahu Serasi
in Kenteng, district Bandungan. This research used a qualitative approach and
descriptive research method. The unit of observation is a businessman tahu
serasi, marketeer tahu serasi, KUB, buyers and customers. The unit of analysis
is the role of social capital in the business tahu serasi in the district
Results of research on business know matching is the dimension of
cooperation and trust. In the context of the social capital that the real
economic transactions do not always think about the profitability and profit,
but also to build a cooperative relationship. In the capital transformation,
business activity know “tahu serasi” transformation of social capital into
economic capital. Social capital is a strong foundation for business continuity
tahu serasi to date.
Penulis: Furi Adinda, Sri
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150636