MODAL SOSIAL KELUARGA BEDA AGAMA (Studi Sosiologis Tentang Relasi Pergaulan Anak dari Pasangan Beda Agama di Salatiga)
Abstract: Children who tend to
pick and choose friends even discriminate based on race, social level, or
religion because there is discomfort felt by the difference. All that can arise
due to the effects of the influence of parenting parents in educating , even
overly restrictive attitude of parents their children so that the children
difficult to associate with the outside world . In this study focused on how
the parents of this form of interfaith couples and families build social
capital such as trust, norms and networks, then applied to the child as a
provision in the child to relate socially.
This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Sources of
data obtained interviews with informants or sources of interfaith couples,
children of interfaith couples and their peers relations of children of
interfaith couples. Data collection using secondary data in the form of
complementary data related documents and regulations related to the problem
under study. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data display, and
data verification.
Social capital is the result of negotiations that formed the differences,
one of which is the difference of religion. The results of these negotiations
are formed in feeling comfortable with each other, love each other, love each
other, expectations, take risks to achieve common goals, and tolerance.
Religious differences in a family that is not a problem, but the difference was
actually accepted as a reality of life to be thankful for, and helped shape the
attitudes and behavior of children in the neighborhood association, which
become more tolerant of differences, attitudes budge to reduce conflicts at the
same time not obtrude one another , trusting and trustworthy..
Penulis: Erna Kurniawati
N.M.A.S, Elly Esra Kudubun
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150637