Peran Pertanian Urban Pada Kesejahteraan Petani Muslim Pada Empat Kelompok Tani Di Surabaya Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Islam
Abstract: This study aimed to
describe the role of urban farming in the welfare of the Muslim farmers in four
farmer groups in Surabaya from the perspective of Islam. This study used
descriptive qualitative approach with case study strategy. The data
authenticity technique using construct validity tactics with multiple sources
of evidence. The analysis technique using pattern matching logic. The results
showed the positive role of urban farming in the material welfare, namely: the
creation of job opportunities and self-employment, the creation of small businesses
in the agricultural sector and the informal sector, and increase the income of
the four members of farmer groups; whereas the non-material welfare, namely:
produce farmed commodities and processed products that is classified as halal,
income which does not contain usury, implementing the principles of honesty and
fairness principles in marketing, as well as undertake community development
activities such as counseling and training.
Keywords: Urban Farming, Urban
Agriculture, Farmer Group, Welfare in the Perspective of Islam
Penulis: Trisna Setia Permana,
Moh. Qudsi Fauzy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161311