Efektivitas Target Pembiayaan Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil Surya Gemilang Desa Sedayulawas Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of targeted financing in BMT Surya Gemilang village Sedayulawas Brondong distridt of Lamongan through the financing to its customers and financial report statements, as well as the customers’ trust in taking capital.
This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive case study. To collect the data, this study uses purposive sampling and snowball technique. The results of this study show that the effectiveness of targeted financing is annually achieved as planned by BMT Surya Gemilang. This is reflected in the provision of financing to customers and the financial reports which always reach the target as well as the smooth repayment of loans by customers.
Keywords: Effectiveness in Islam, Financing, Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil
Penulis: Abdul Muiz Hamid, Sri Herianingrum
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd141214

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