Abstract: Transtibial
Prosthesis, Walking Balance, Axilla Crutch, Post Transtibial Amputation. This
study aims to determine the effect of the use of transtibial prosthesis and
axial crutch on the balance of transtibial post amputation patient. This
research is hoped to be beneficial to the benefit of people who have
transtibial amputation in order to obtain the appropriate balance. This
research method is Quantitative research, pre experiment, using research design
one groups pre and post test design, where in this research there is only one
group of subjects that will be measured equilibrium using prosthesis and axial
crutch. Research conducted at PT. Kuspito Ortotik Prostetik. In this research,
there are two variables, namely (1) dependent variable, balance, (2)
independent variables are use of transtibial prosthesis and axial crutch. Data
collection is done in two stages, first and second phase. In the first stage,
the researcher records the client identity that has been defined as the research
subject (sample), including name, gender, age, address, and examination to
establish the type of patient who meets the inclusion criteria. Afterwards,
measurements were made on patients using transtibial prostheses and recording
the results of the treatment group in terms of their equilibrium values. In the
second stage of data collection, measurements were taken in patients using
axial crutch and recording the results of the treatment group in terms of their
equilibrium value. The instruments used are TUG Test equipment (armrest and
armrest seats, stopwatch, wall, stationery). Data were analyzed with SPSS for
Win13.00 for Windows software. Test the normality of data using Shapiro-Wilk
normality test. The results showed that there was a difference of effect of
axial crutch with prosthesis on post amputation patient equilibrium (0,017
<0,05), it is also known that average equilibrium in group of axial crutch
(18,46) while mean balance in group Prosthesis (20,84). Crutches are walking
sticks, usually used in pairs that are created to regulate the balance at the
time of going and sustaining the user's body. Axilla crutches are not designed
to rest during support of the body. To minimize the inconvenience of using
axilla crutches, a prosthesis is created which, when an amputation patient has
been determined to use a prosthesis, determines the purpose of prosthetic
fitting, whether functional, cosmetic or both.
Keywords: Transtibial
Prosthesis, Walking Balance, Axilla Crutch, Post Transtibial Amputation
Penulis: Nur Rachmat, Alfan
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170235