Pengorganisasian Chronic Care Model dalam Pengelolaan Keteraturan Kontrol Pasien Pasca Stroke RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak
Abstract: Recurrent strokes
are alarming because they can aggravate the situation and increase maintenance
costs. With the prevalence of cases that continue to increase from year to
year, the potential for lost follow-up in the regularity of post-stroke patient
control. The organization of chronic care model-based services is able to
maintain and bridge the regularity of post-stroke patient control whose service
concept focuses on the patient's active participation and health system. This
study aims to explore the organization of Chronic Care Model in the management
of post-stroke patient control regularity. Methods: Qualitative research with
case study design. Participants in this study is the administration consisting
of elements of leadership and implementer
that have met the criteria taken by way of purposive sampling time
research February-April 2017 Research instruments in the form of interview
guidelines, qualitative analysis. Results: Decision support refers to clinical
practice guidelines, shared information through multiprofession coordination in
education, service integration is still passive which has more emphasis on
curative and rehabilitative. The design of the service system in the service
policy on the implementation of using service standards and imposing a
classless service, on the design elements of the lack of human resources
health, as well as facilities and infrastructure, on the chronic service model
refers to the structure and hierarchy of organizations that emphasize the
responsibility of the service to the physician in charge of medical. Clinical
information systems are not available for group support and information technology-based
coordination to support high quality health services. Conclusion: Management of
post-stroke patient control regularity can not be separated from the support
and ability of the implementer as well. Service upgrades can be improved
through the implementation of the Chronic Maintenance Model in which there are
several important elements such as systematic configuration, updating in
service system design, modern clinical information systems.
Keywords: Stroke; Chronic care
model; Control regularity
Penulis: Ade Muhammad Cahyadi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd170546