ABSTRACT: Education is the
important component in self-management of Diabetes mellitus patients. Nurse as
one of the health care provider should take active role in giving adequate
education. The aim of this study were to analyze factors influencing nurse’s
behavior in implementation of Diabetes mellitus education based on theory of
planned behavior. Method: This study used cross sectional design. Population in
this study were all nurses in medicinal public hall whose were assigned to give
education toward patients in 62 puskesmas induk in Surabaya city in 2016.
Sampling technique used total sampling and 112 nurses obtained as samples.
Variables in this study consist of attitude, subjective norm, perceived
behavioral control (PBC), intention and practice in DM education. Data
collection was using questionnaire and observation sheet and also analyzed
using spearman rho with α 0,05. Result: Statistical analysis result shows there
is significant relationship between attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral
control (PBC) toward intention with p value of 0,022; 0,048; dan 0,000
respectively and there is no significant relationship between intention and
practice of Diabetes mellitus education with p value 0,194. Nurse’s attitudes,
subjective norm, perceived behavioral control (PBC) had positive effect toward
intention of Diabetes mellitus education but intention had no effect toward
practice of Diabetes mellitus education in puskesmas. Conclusion: Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) stated that individual behavior occurred because of
intention that could be affected by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived
behavioral control (PBC). Future study was expected to use qualitative
approach, and related study regarding development of education media in Puskesmas.
KEYWORDS: diabetes mellitus,
education, nurse, Theory of Planned Behavior
Author: Nadia Rohmatul Laili, Sulistiawati,
Ika Yuni Widyawati
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg170023