Abstract: Low fowler, semi fowler and standart fowler position have a related or reducing shortness of breath. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of position changes on respiratory pattern for respiratory disorders of patients in one of the hospitals in Riau Province by using the design of quantitative research and design of quasy experiments for correlation mechanism. The sample of this research is 17 respondents based on inclusion criteria using non probability sampling technique. The method used in research are quastionnare, obsevation and SOP at low, semi and standart position. The analisis used univariate analysis to know the frequency distribution and bivariat using cochran test and repeated anova. The result of this research showed that 17 respondent’s with gender frequency of women were 9 respondents(52,9%), frequency of elder >45 year old were 13 responden (76,9%), frequency of elementry school education were 9 responden (52,9%) andterm of care that less than a week were 15 responden (88,2%). The result of statistik test p valeu > α (0,05), it showed the effect of changing position on respiratory pattern for patient’s respiratory disorder of patients in one of the hospitals in Riau Province.
Keyword: Position, respiratory, resporatory disorders
Penulis: Rizky Annisa, Wasisto Utomo, Sri Utami
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd180099

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