Abstract: The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia reaches 25.8 of the population at the age of  over 18 years. Knowledge and attitude awareness to prevent stroke complication need to be done by hypertension sufferers because they  to be affilicted to stroke. This study aimed to identify the correlation of knowledge of patients with hypertension to an attitudes in preventing stroke in poly internal medicine of RSUD Arifin Achmad Riau Province. This research uses descriptive correlational research design. The number of samples was 40 people. Information and data were obtained by using questioner. The results of the research showed that 30% of the patient's knowledge has been categorized into good and 62.5% attitude in preventing stroke has also already been in the good category. The analysis of correlation between knowledge of  patient with hypertension to the attitude in preventing stroke was measured by using Chi Square p value = 0,02 (<α 0,05). The conclusion indicates that  there is an analysis of the relationship of patients knowledge of hypertension to the attitude in the preventing stroke. It is suggested to the next researcher to do research on factors that influence attitude of patient's with hypertension in preventing stroke.
Keywords: Hypertension, Knowledge, Stroke Prevention
Penulis: Larasati Inayah, Safri Safri, Arneliwati
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd180111

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