Abstract: The implementation of Smoke-free Area program is a protective measure for the community against the risks of health threats because the environment is polluted with cigarette smoke. The implementation of Smoke-free Area program needs to be implemented in health care facilities, teaching and learning places, playgrounds, worship places, public transportation,workplaces, public places and other places established to protect community from cigarette smoke. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of Smoke-free Area program policiy at the Faculty of Law Universitas Riau. This study was evaluation study. The sample in this study were 140 respondents consists of 95 students, 21 lecturers, and 24 staffs. The analysis used was univariate analysis. The results showed that at the input indicator, there was already written policy about Smoke-free Area, there was already health education about Smoke-free Area, there was already designated area for smoking, but no staff has been assigned to monitor Smoke-free Area. At the process indicator, socialization of Smoke-free Area policy face-to-face and through print or electronic media has not been maximized, the Smoke-free Area policy announcement already posted through the sign of smoking ban, circular letter and Smoke-free Area sign, but there has been no regulation of tasks and responsibilities of Smoke-free Area implementation, not yet posted Smoke-free Area policy announcements through posters, wall magazines, and loudspeakers, and there was no counseling about Smoke-free Area and the dangers of smoking & smoking ethics. At the output indicator was found that there were smokers in the Smoke-free Area environment, found nonsmoking students/ lecturers/ staffs admonished smoking students/ lecturers/ staffs, found smokers who smoked outside the Smoke-free Area environment, but there was no sanction for those who violate Smoke-free Area. Based on the results, it is recommended that the Faculty of Law Universitas Riau necessary to maximized the improne health promation regarding Smoke-free Area, provide standardized smoking room, and implement punishment for any Veolator.
Keywords: Evaluation, Implementation, Smoke-free Area program
Penulis: Mohd. Suhaimi, Febriana Sabrian, Darwin Karim
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd180050

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