Hubungan Sikap Ibu Dengan Praktek Pemberian Mp-Asi (Makanan Pendamping Air Susu lbu) Di Posyandu Dusun Krajan Desa Karangpatihan Kecamatan Balong Kabupaten Ponorogo

Abstract: The greater it is and increasing Babys age then nutritional needs to meet energy needs. Then there needs lo be extra energy from food other than ASI known as J1P-ASI. The purpose of this research was to knowing relationship mothers altitude with practice of giving MP- AS! in Posyandu, Krajan hamlet, Karangpatihan Village, Balong District or Ponorogo. The research design used cross-sectional. The population in this research arc all Mothers with babies 7 months - I 2 months in Posyandu, Krajan hamlet, Karangpatihan Village, Balong District of Ponorogo a number of 32 respondents. The sampel was all mothers with babies 7 months - 12 months in Posyandu, Krajan hamlet, Karangpatihan Village, Balong District of Ponorogo a number of 32 respondents. with total sampling teckhnic. The instrument in this research used to assess attitudes and practice or giving MP- ASI is a questionnaire. The time of this research 18 Juli 20 I 6. Analyzing data used was cross table frekuensi distribution. The results showed that most respondents 12 respondents (37%) who have a positive attitude then the practice of giving the MP-AS! is positive. This shows that increasingly positive attitude of a person then tend lo lake action that is positive inside practice of giving MP- AST.
Keyword: Altitude, Practice of giving, MP-AS!
Penulis: Siti Indatul Laili, Ria Rijayanti
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd170180

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