Hubungan Kepatuhan Cuci Tangan Enam Langkah Lima Momen Perawat Dengan Kejadian Phlebitis Di RSUD Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto

Abstract: Phlebitis incident in dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto hospital is higher than other infection. The low complience of nurses handhygiene become one of cause high phlebitis incident. The effective steps cut off the infection transmission that cause phlebitis is the properly handhygiene. The objective of the research was to find the relation between complience six steps five moments nurses handhygiene with the phlebitis incident in dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto hospital. The research design was correlation analytic with cohort method. The population was taking all emergency department nurses with total sample 20 persons and 20 patient with consecutive sampling. Independent variable was complience of six steps five moments nurses handhygiene. Dependent variable was the phlebitis incident. Observational sheet was used for collect the data. The analyze was using spearman test. Result of the research showed p=0,007 < et=0,05. H0 rejected meant there was correlation between the complience six steps five moments nurses handhygiene with the phlebitis incident, with r=0,579 that showed not significant correlation. The incompliance of nurses handhygine cause the bacteria transmission from nurses to patient hand. Bacteria entered the vein through! the puncture wound infusion, and cause infection arround the puncture wound infusion that makes phlebitis. Nurses should adjust oneself to do six steps five moments handhygiene procedure according to standard operational procedure, so the phlebitis can be prevented. The higher of complience of nurses handhygiene with six steps-five moments, so the lower of phlebitis incident.
Keywords: complience, five moments, handhygiene, phlebitis, six steps
Penulis: Enny Virda Yuniarti, Martika Notita
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd170188

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