Abstract: Cases and deaths due to Tetanus Neonatorum (TN) in Jember District within the period of 2005 to 2009 with aCase Fatality Rate (CFR) were greater than 50%. CFR with arate of more than or equal to 50% indicates a high share ofdeaths. Jember District Health Office implemented a screening program for childbearing women’s TT status in early 2010.
However, not until the end of 2010 there were already 6 cases and 3 deaths due to TN (CFR = 50%). This suggested that the implementation of the screening program had already been running but not optimal; thus, an evaluation for this program needed conducting.
Objective: To evaluate the screening program for childbearing women’s TT status by describing the capacity and motivation of personnel, implementation and results of the screening program in Jember District in 2010.
Method: This was a descriptive-evaluation study. It wasconducted in January-February 2011 in five health centers ofJember District. The population was midwives as persons incharge of implementing the screening program.
Result: Most respondents (59%) had a moderate level ofcapacity. Most respondents had a high level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, namely 71% and 53%, respectively. Thescreening implementation for childbearing women’s TT status by the respondents had not been in accordance with the twooperational procedures. The results of the screening program showed that five health centers were still experiencing the same problem, i.e., not identified TT status of all women and unmet target coverage of T5 childbearing women and T2 plus pregnant women.
Conclusion: Technically, some obstacles in the implementation of the screening program are still present; therefore, there is a need for conducting training procedures for the personnel of the screening program for childbearing women’s TT status and conducting an evaluation for the program periodically and continuously.
Keywords: evaluation, tetanus toxoid, childbearing women
Penulis: Abu Khoiri, Dewi Rokhmah, Ahmad Falih
Kode Jurnal: jpkedokterandd120251

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