Abstract: In efficient feed
management strategy in aquaculture will increase the fish production cost. One
of the most effective strategies to solve this problem is through a better
understanding of the compensatory growth of cultured fish. O. niloticus BEST
tilapia strain (total length: 7.23 ± 0.11 cm mean ± SD; Body weight: 7.04 ±
0.08 g mean ± SD) were reared in aquariums at 26.3 ± 1.4oC for 10 weeks. During
the experiment, the control group was fed twice a day. The other two groups
were deprived of food for one and two weeks and then fed twice a day during
refeeding period. At the end of the experiment, the fish deprived for one week
had a body weight, biomass and specific growth rate that were not significantly
different from the control group. The body weight, biomass and specific growth
rate of fish deprived for two weeks were significantly lower than the other
groups. This study revealed that concentrations of ash and lower concentrations
of protein and lipid on the deprived groups were higher compared to those
without feed deprivation. Mortality of fish was lower than 9% and not
significantly different among the treatments. Fish aggressive behavior was the
main reason for injuries and death. Given the results, BEST tilapia strain was
only able to reach complete growth compensation not longer than one week
deprivation period. The results of the present study could be applied as basic
information for further research on feeding management of BEST tilapia strain.
Keywords: Oreochromis niloticus; compensatory growth; feed
deprivation; mortality
Author: Vitas Atmadi Prakoso,
Journal Code: jpperikanangg170014