TUMOUR CASE IN KOI CARP (Cyprinus carpio)
ABSTRACT: A case study of
tumour in Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) was observed in rearing periode. This
tumour occurs solitary, large, pale red, fleshy masses under the lips and
dentalplates on the outside, and by reason of its size, may prevent closure the
mouth.Moreover, this tumour goes through into the inside of the mouth. At
necropsy, therewere two soft, firm, small mass at inside of the mouth and the
bigger mass at outsidethe mouth. Samples of this tumour were fixed in 10%
formalin were used for histologyanalysis. The clinical course of the tumour is
one of relatively slow but progressive growth. The proliferative stage of the
neoplastic process is preceded andaccompanied by a striking vascular reaction.
Intensed hyperemia invariably occursin that region of the mucosal surface which
later becomes the site of neoplastic proliferation. Neoplastic cells lied
around lamina propria and submucosal. Thesecells were joined together to make
vacuolization and the other cells becomepleiomorphism with hyperchromatic nucleus
and N/C ratio cells are 1:1. In some area, there were many empty holes, around
the holes there were debris cells,inflammation cells, and erythrocytes.
KEYWORDS: tumour, Koi,
neoplastic cells
Author: Lili Sholichah
Journal Code: pperikanangg100024