Abstract: This experiment
aimed to evaluate the possibility of using integrated recirculation production
system for patin grow-out. Each of twelve concrete 2.5 m x 4.0 m x 1.0 m tanks
filled to 0.73 m depth was stocked with 100 juvenile patin, 9-10g body weight.
Six tanks were equipped with sand and palm (Arenga pinata) fibre filters
planted with vegetables, lettuce and kangkoong. A submersible pump was
installed in each tank to assure continuous water recirculation at the rate of
0.4 L sec-1. The filtered water flowed into the tank at the surface (SC
treatment), or at the bottom (BC treatment). In the other 6 tanks, the water
flowed continuously from a concrete canal in an open culture system at a
similar rate and with similar water entrance positions (SO and BO treatments).
The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three
replicates. The fish were fed dry pelleted feed to satiation and sampled every
other week for growth observation. After 90 days, the average individual weight
of the fish attained the range of 80-100 g. The fish grew significantly faster
(P<0.05) in SC tanks compared to those in the rest of the tanks, except in
BC tanks. Denser growth of plankton and more suitable water quality was
considered to encourage faster growth of the fish in close system tanks. The
survival of the fish was not significantly different (P>0.05) among
treatment, ranging from 99% to 100%. In terms of water usage, the closed system
tanks produced fish weighing 202.38–220.05 g m-3, much more efficiently than
did the open system tanks, 1.87–1.89 g/m3. The vegetables, either lettuce or
water spinach, grew well on the filter. These results suggest that the
integrated recirculation tank system is suitable for patin culture.
Keywords: integrated
recirculation; Pangasius grow-out
Author: Taufik Ahmad, Lilis
Sofiarsih, Kusmana
Journal Code: jpperikanangg070014