Abstract: Research Institute
for Fish Breeding has produced transgenic African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
containing stripped catfish growth hormone gene (PccBA-PhGH) with growth 19.86%
faster than that of non-transgenic fish. This fish has high potential to be
released and utilized for fish farming sector to increase national production.
However, there is not yet information about environmental risk of this fish.
One of the major fitness traits determining potential environmental risk is
predator avoidance. This study aimed to determine the predator avoidance
ability of transgenic African catfish in an experimental laboratory condition.
In this study, thirty five individuals each of transgenic and non-transgenic
with body weight of about 0.1 ± 0.019 g were communally stocked in 60 cm x 40
cm x 40 cm aquarium with limited feeding frequency (ad libitum twice a day).
One day after the fish were stocked, the predators were added to each aquarium.
The non-transgenic and transgenic with body weight of 1.0 ± 0.024 g were
stocked as predators as many as five individual in each aquarium. After
approximately two weeks of predation, all remaining fish were collected for
transgenic verification by PCR method. Genomic DNA was isolated from fin tissue
of individually survivors. The results of this study showed that the transgenic
fish had worse predator avoidance and lower cannibal than non-transgenic
(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in growth performance between
transgenic and non-transgenic African catfish (P>0.05) in limited food. The
transgenic fish may have lower fitness than non-transgenic.
Keywords: predator avoidance;
transgenic; environmental risk; Clarias gariepinus
Author: Huria Marnis, Bambang
Iswanto, imron, selny Febrida, Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi
Journal Code: jpperikanangg160046