Abstract: The aim of this
research was to synthesize a hydrogel for wound dressing by mixing of polyvinyl
alcohol (PVA) and chitosan (CTS) and processed by combination technique of
freezing-thawing and irradiation by gamma ray, and to study of its properties.
PVA aqueous solution 10% (w/v) was mixed with 2% (w/v) chitosan (CTS) solution
and homogenized. The PVA-CTS mixture was processed by freezing-thawing up to 3
cycles, and then irradiated by gamma rays at the dose ranged of 20-50 kGy (dose rate was 10 kGy/hour). Result showed
that PVA-CTS hydrogel with the gel fraction of 83%, 87%, 90%, and 83% were
obtained at the irradiation dose of 20 kGy, 30 kGy, 40 kGy, and 50 kGy,
respectively. Increasing of irradiation dose caused increasing of water
absorption of hydrogel, i.e. 1.700 %, 1.715 %, 1.913 %, and 2.036 %,
respectively, and the hydrogel reached the equilibrium in 25 hours. The
hydrogel showed very slow water evaporation rate (~ 2%) at the initial time (1
hour) and then increased very fast (up ~50 %) at 24 h, i.e. 43%, 39.13%, 44%,
and 53%, respectively. The elongation at break of hydrogels were obtained 245%,
322%, 322%, and 205% with the maximum value were obtained at irradiation dose
ranged of 30-40 kGy. The presence of chitosan in the PVA hydrogel made it having
higher antibacterial properties with the inhibition zone value of 8 mm at
irradiation dose of 30-40 kGy compared to PVA hydrogel as a negative control (6
mm) and to chloramphenicol as a positive control (8 mm).
Keywords: hydrogel, polyvinyl
alcohol (PVA), Chitosan (CTS), freezing-thawing, gamma irradiation
Author: Thamrin Wikanta, Mr
Erizal, Mr Tjahyono, Mr Sugiyono
Journal Code: jpperikanangg120013