Abstract: Growth of tilapia
male is better than female. Practically, cultured of all male population are
more efficient than that of mixed sex population. Sex reversal with 17-methyltestosterone hormone is the most popular technique to make all
or nearly all male tilapia. But, alternative substitution materials for sex
reversal must be found due to limited application of this synthetic hormone
that caused of its carcinogenic potential on human body. Besides that, 17-methyltestosterones are also suspected as the unfriendly
material for environment. Several early studies were conducted to find the
alternative materials for sex reversal in tilapia. One of the highly potential
material found is aromatase inhibitors, the materials which are function to
inhibit the secretion of aromatase, the catalyst enzyme in the bio-synthetic of
estrogen from androgen. Due to the chemical characteristic materials and
relatively high price of aromatase inhibitor, we tried to find the natural
material which has similar composition or function to that compound. One of the
natural suspected materials which has similar function with aromatase
inhibitors is propolis. Chrysin as apart of flavonoid compound found in the
propolis shows the most potent inhibitors of aromatase. Early study showed that
application of propolis up to 3 of feed resulted the highest percentage
of male in tilapia. Based on that study, the optimum dosage of propolis for sex
reverse of the tilapia has not been known. This study was conducted to know the
optimum dosage of a commercial propolis for sex reversal in tilapia, especially
in NIFI red tilapia. The dosages proposed in this study were 3, 4, 5 and 6 mL of feed. Sex reversal was carried out in aquarium for 35 days.
Rearing of fingerling fish for 2 months was conducted in hapas suspended in
earthen pond. The result showed that application of 5 mL of feed
resulted the highest proportion of male, which up to 76.67%. Application of all
propolis dosages in this study did not affect to the survival rate and the
abnormality of fish.
Keywords:red tilapia; sex
reversal; propolis
Author: Didik Ariyanto, Adam
Robisalmi, Alien Karlina Larasati
Journal Code: jpperikanangg120033