ABSTRACT: The purpose of this
research was to observed the effects of yellow velvetleaf fruit estrats on the
characteristics fruit extracts on the characteristics of gelatin-chitosan
edible film and its application in pempek. The ability of film to inhibit the
spoilage of pempek was also studied. This research used a Randomized Block
Design (RBD) in the first stage and Design Randomized Factorial (DRF) in the
second stage with two-factor and two repetitions. Factors treatment consists of
velvetleaf extract concentrations (0, 10, 20%) and the storage time (0, 1, 2
days). The first phase edible film was characterized basedon solubility,
thickness, water vapor transmission and the percent extension, the second phase
while their ability to protect pempek produk were assessed though the changes
on water content, total volatile base-N (TVB-B), total plate count (TPC) yeasts
and molds of the products during storage 2 days. The results of the first phase
of research showed the addition of extract yellow velvetleaf no significant
effect on the solubility, thickness and water vapor transmission while give the
significant effect on the percent extension. The results of the second phase
research showed the interaction between the addition of yellow velvetleaf
extract and storage time significant effect on water content, total plate count
(TPC) and yeast fungi while the total volatile base-N (TVB-N) effect is no
significant effect. The best treatment of the first study, was A1 (Extra yellow
velvetleaf 10%). Activity antimicrobe, Solubility, thickness, water vapor
transmission and the percent extension of each is 3.75mm, 98.14%, 0.18 mm, 7.40
g/m2.24jam, 63.66%. The best treatment of the second study is A1B1 (extract
yellow velvetleaf 0% and first day of storage time). Water content, total
volatile base-N (TVB-N), total plate count (TPC) yeasts and molds, respectively
54.68%, 9.3 mg/100 g, 7.22x103 CFU/g, and 5.32x104 CFU/g.
Keywords: Edible films,
extract yellow velvetleaf, gelatin-chitosan, long storage, pempek
Penulis: Haidir Ali, Ace
Baehaki, Shanti Dwita Lestari
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd170144