An Overview of Surface Water Quality Influenced by Suspended Solid Content in the Sayung Waters, Demak, Indonesia
Abstract: Abrasion which is
occurred in the Sayung coast is triggered by a big role of climate change as
well as the sea level rise and land subsidence. Resulting degradation
ultimately affects changes in existing environmental conditions. This study has
aim to determine the existing water based on biological and chemical content
which is affected by increasing suspended solid content in the Sayung waters.
Purposive sampling technique was applied, and data is analyzed both
statistically and spatially. Suspended solid value has ranged 23,1-199,6 mg/L.
Distribution of suspended solid was only simulated during low tide towards high
tide phase with current speed has ranged 0-0.41 m/s. We found that dissolved
oxygen value is quite high in several observation stations which indicates the
fertile area with low pollution and blooming tendency. In the station which is
dominated by a high suspended solid and turbidity found that the chlorophyll-a
decreases. The increased rate of suspended solid is directly enhancing the
turbidity and indirectly declines the photosynthesis activity and inhibits the
oxygen cycle. Resulting in the primary productivity reduction in the Sayung
Keywords: Hydrodynamics,
Sayung waters, Suspended solid content, Water quality
Penulis: Ulung Jantama Wisha,
Koko Ondara, Gunardi Kusumah
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd170323