Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat pada KPH Gedong Wani
Abstract: One effort to reduce
environmental damage is the launching of the Social Forestry Program by the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry. One such program is Community Plantation
Forest (HTR). Farmers' perception of a program is the main basis for the
willingness to participate in a program. The purpose of this study are: 1)
Knowing the perception of the community, and 2) Knowing the factors that affect
the public perception of the HTR development program in KPH Gedong Wani. The
research was conducted in Sinar Ogan Village, Srikaton, Jati Indah, Jati Baru,
and Budi Lestari, which is the recipient village of IUPHHK-HTR. Sampling
technique using stratified random sampling and obtained as many as 95
respondents by interview method. To know the factors that influence perception
using multiple regression. The results of this study show the public perception
on the development of HTR in the medium category. Factors that have significant
effect on public perception are formal education, informal education, HTR land
area, monthly income, availability of information, and intensity of counseling.
Keywords: Perception; HTR; KPH
Penulis: Dian Nova Yanti,
Irwan Sukri Banuwa, Rahmat Safe’i, Christine Wulandari, Indra Gumay Febryano
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd170263