Robot Pintar Penyambut Costumer pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Kota Manado
Abstract: Aspects of robotics
technology have now been able to explore and reach the entertainment,
education, and health. Making robots
with privileges and special expertise is closely related to the needs of the
modern world that requires a device with a high capacity are useful to help the
work of man. On the other hand, advanced technology is useful to complete the
work that could not and did not want to do by men as a greeter job. Greeter
costumer jobs is a very tedious job. So it is necessary in the field of
robotics technology that is smart robot greeter customers that replace the role
of humans to improve the quality of waiters, efficiency, and economical savings
at shopping centers in the city of Manado. The smart robot is designed to greet
the customer by giving the greeting on the customer entrance and exit shopping
center. The robot system is powered with less use of multiple technologies
including ultrasonic distance and PIR sensors to detect humans, servo and DC
motor as an actuator of the robot, and use voice module so that the robot can
speak. The robot system is also equipped with a remote control using the
Android smartphone so the smart robot can perform monitoring, operation, and
control over long distances. The test results describe the action of robots
have been able to make the detection of costumer and activities greeting the
customer with the analysis of determining the value of the parameter distance
between ultrasonic sensors use trigonometry comparative analysis.
Penulis: Muhamad Dwisnanto
Putro, Jane Litouw
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170363