ABSTRACT: Distillation is one
of the ways to take up patchouli oil that contained in the leaves, the example
is leaf clovers. Leaf clovers has the high oil content with euganol that
reaches of 85%. The postharvest processing’s purpose is to make the agricultural
product have a higher economic value compared to the product without processed.
The purpose of this research was to design, build, test and analyze the
economic value of patchouli oil direct steam distillation type. The parameters
observed were effective capacity and economic analysis. Based on this research,
it were summarized that the effective capacity of the equipment was 13,33
ml/hour. Economic analysis, basic costs for the first to the fifth year was Rp.
1.054,77/ml, Rp. 880,48/ml, Rp. 822,67/ml, Rp. 793,82/ml and Rp. 776,55/ml.
Break even point (BEP) for thefirst to the fifth year was 247,17 ml/year,
133,02 ml/year, 95,16 ml/year, 76,27 ml/year and 64,95 ml/year. Net present value
(NPV) 6% was Rp. 12.060.105 whereas NPV 8% was Rp. 10.793.704,29 and Internal rate
of return this equipment was 27,04%.
Penulis: Octo Fandi Sinaga
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160423