Perancangan Sistem Informasi Helpdesk Menggunakan Framework ITIL V3
Abstract: In order to improve
and to ensure the availability of information technology (IT) services quality,
many organizations now have a helpdesk which acts as a center point in solving
and organizing problems. However, in the planning and implementation of
Information Systems Service Helpdesk, it is necessary to do a thorough analysis
of the framework of the Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) that
is appropriate and in accordance with the needs of organizations, that is also
capable of providing the function of knowledge management. It is because each
type of organization has different needs and Standard Operation Procedure in
providing IT services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the right ITSM
framework in developing Helpdesk Information System in PT Len Industri
(Persero), which is one of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Helpdesk services
provide repairs of hardware, software, and network. Previously, informations
about problems and the handling are not complete, and the information storing
is unstructured. This causes difficulties in monitoring and evaluation
activities conducted by helpdesk admin and manager of Information Systems. To
solve this problem, a system is designed using ITSM best practices standard
from the Information Technology Infrastructure Library version 3. The system is
designed to perform the classification to every problem. Classifications are
made into several level of priorities which correspond with profile matching
method, according to position and division within the PT Len Industri
(Persero)’s value chain. The developed dashboard has been able to support the
helpdesk results evaluation process. To ensure the usability of the system, a
user acceptance test is conducted with the standard of Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology. The system obtains overall score of 88,89% in
the user interface aspect and 83,715% in the functional requirement of
information system aspect.
Penulis: Evasaria M. Sipayung,
Cut Fiarni, Ernest Aditya
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170471