Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Pisang pada Media VW terhadap Induksi Akar dan Pertumbuhan Tunas Dendrobium lasianthera J.J.Sm
Abstract: The Effect of Banana
Extract at The VW Media on Root Induction and Growth of ShootDendrobium
Lasianthera J.J.Sm. Orchid has economic potential as a non-oil
exportcommodities which can increase foreign exchange. In addition to
supporting industry as cutflowers and potted plants, Dendrobium orchid in
particular has been widely recognized as atraditional medicine. Orchids can be
propagated in vitro using seed. The main problem in thepropagation of orchid
through seed culture is difficulty in root formation. In this study,
weevaluated the effect of organic compounds of the banana extract at Vacin and
Went mediumcontaining peptone 2 gL-1 to induce growth of root and shoot of the
Dendrobium lasianthera.The shoot measuring about 0.3-1.0 cm contain of 1-2
leaves obtained from the seedgermination was cultured on VW medium containing 2
gL-1 peptone additives with 50 gL-1,100 gL-1 and 150 gL-1 banana extract, and
without banana extract was used as control. After16 weeks of culture, number of
roots, number of leaves, root length, leaf length, the shootheight, root and
leaf widest diameters were recorded. Data were statistically analyzed
usingANOVA and continued by honestly significance difference (HSD). The results
showed thatthe extract of banana statistically gave a significant effect on
root induction and growth ofshoot D. lasianthera.
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160398