Penerapan Strategi dan Teknologi PHT untuk Mendukung Syarat Kualitas Produk Pertanian dalam Menghadapi Era Perdagangan Global (Review)
Abstract: Implementation
Strategy and Technology of IPC to Support Terms of Quality Agricultural
Products Era Dealing in Global Trade. In the era of free trade in the world,
export-import activities, especially agricultural products and other dairy
products, according to the agency authorized trade-WTO states that the flow of
goods can no longer inhibited by rules such as tariffs and other barriers, but
by the quality standards of agricultural and processed products. Faced with
this situation, the government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Agriculture
has issued regulation No. 27/Permentan/PP.340/5/2009 about oversight of
expenditures and revenues fresh food of plant origin. In addition, it was also
applied to the field school IPC and implement SOPs for agricultural products
exported as coffee and cocoa.
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160402