Modifikasi Topologi Pengendali PID untuk Automatic Voltage Regulator Generator Sinkron
Abstract: Automatic voltage
regulator (AVR) is one of key elements in an excitation system which controls
the synchronous generator terminal voltage in an electrical power generation
plant. PID control algorithm in an AVR has been designed to obtain good
response towards voltage reference without considering the effect of torque
disturbance. This paper proposes a PID with modified topology for a digital AVR
in order to regulate the generator terminal voltage in more speedy and more
accurate, while maintaining robustness against torque disturbance. Performance
of the digital AVR has been compared with conventional PID controller through
experiments using a hardware in the loop (HIL) system. The experiment results
show that the proposed PID with modified topology provides better performance
than the conventional PID controller. Under torque disturbance, the proposed
algorithm provides 83% smaller steady state error and 4.8 second shorter
settling time compared to the conventional PID controller. When the reference
voltage changes, compared to the conventional PID controller, the proposed
algorithm provides 15% smaller steady state error, 79% smaller overshoot, and
0.2 second shorter settling time.
Penulis: Tri Dedi Pamungkas,
Muhamad Haddin, Estiko Rijanto
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170502