Autonomous Underwater Vehicle untuk Survei dan Pemantauan Laut
Abstract: AUV is an unmanned
submersible platform to accomplish a mission. Side-scan sonar, Conductivity
Temperature Depth (CTD), and underwater video camera are usually attached on
AUV. These sensors were used for identifying seawater and seabed condition.
Data acquired from a survey with an AUV in Kepulauan Riau processed by Neptus
software. Side-scan sonar (SSS) visualization is compared to the video image.
SSS signal visualization has a unique pattern that can be identified within the
video image. Different substrate structure caused different signal
visualization. The relation between the
video image and SSS visualization can be used for identifying habitat benthic
Penulis: Henry M. Manik, Agung
D. Syakti, Jales Veva Jaya, Dony Apdillah, Steven Solikin, Angga Dwinovantyo,
Rina Fajaryanti, Bagas O. Siahaan, Muhammad Sanubari
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170361